I introduce to you THE Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bates.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Tradition

What a week! I had such a great week! Lots of family with lots more to come this next week! I got to go home to Camdenton on Tuesday night to surprise my Mom and Dad. Mom got a new little puppy and we had to name him! I am planning on naming my future puppy after a favorite memory from our Europe trip so it seemed fitting to name this new puppy with the same idea. Mom and I stayed up late and finally came up with the puppy's new name, "Roman." I love it! He looks like a Roman and is so cute! Very playful. Lacey and Godzilla (my dog and cat that both passed away within the last few months) are missed, but I think it is good that Buddy (Brent's dog) has a new friend. It was a nice visit. I then went on to head towards Evening Shade and Plato on Wednesday morning. I met with Judy Wade who is doing my flowers. We went over some of my ideas for the bouquets, etc. It was fun and I felt a lot better that she thought all my ideas would no problem even "easy". Never in my life did someone actually tell me that I would be easy to please. That was a first!!! hehe. Basically, the entire wedding seems to be taking a theme of lilacs which works for me! Now, if that darn lilac bush could only be in bloom on April 25th! I hope so, but I've been assured that if it's not that it is easy to order them. I hope so! Anywho, after I met with the "flower lady" I went on to Granny's to find apple dumplings and veggie soup waiting for me on the stove. Yummy! My favorites!! That afternoon I also went by my Grandma and Grandpa's house to show them my engagement pictures. They don't have email so I had to bring my laptop and they picked out their favorites. Which, ironically enough, their favorite picture is my favorite. How crazy is that!?! Their fave is the one that I love and plan on putting in the Springfield and Camdenton papers for our wedding announcement.

The other picture that I think we will probably put in the Pryor and Houston, MO paper is this one.
What do you all think? I hope you like the selections.

The next morning, Granny and I went and met the lady who will be making my "guest book". It is a bit untraditional, but classic. We are having a quilt made for our guestbook! I am so excited about it! Jimmy (the lady making the quilt) is making up quilt blocks of lavender, green, and white and then as everyone arrives at the wedding the guests will sign the blocks with a fabric pen. Then, afterwards, we will select our favorite wedding pictures and have them placed on the quilt as well and then sew it all together. I think it beats the heck out of an old book that collects dust on a shelf! It is something we can use and cherish forever.

Then it was back to work for the weekend, but with an amazing event in the middle! The "Q"! The Bears home opener was on Saturday night and it was MAGICAL!! It was me, Mom, Dad, Brent, and Aaron that all went. What a wonderful night! The game was extremely close and the arena looked amazing! I got to get off work a little early so I even got to catch the tip off. I didn't get to walk around a whole lot, but I did get to check out the hall of fame display. I typed in my Dad's name and sure enough there was a bio on him with all his records and a few pictures of him from college. How cool is that!?! I just wanted to turn around to everyone walking by and say, "That's my Dad!" It was so neat. Then in the 2nd half we went to Larry and Virginia's (family friends of ours) suite. It just happen to be Plaster's suite. (Yes, as in Plaster Student Union and Sports Complex) I got to meet his son and chill with Roy Blunt. Hehe. I also got to hang out with Jill and Emily Oswalt. We all hung out, ate free food. and drink our free sodas. I felt important. It was so awesome! Oh! And I had to have some nachos with jalapenos! It was a perfect night; especially since we beat Arkansas 62-57! The student section stormed the court at the end! Check out the awesome video that Aaron got when we won the game! Enjoy!

Love you all! Until later.


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ok, I was digging through some of my stuff trying to come up with a creative new idea for a fun entry and I found my journal entry that I wrote a few days after Aaron and I got engaged.
-Well it happened! Yeah! Fourth of July may be my new favorite holiday. Aaron and I went to Mom and Dad's for the 4th of July. I worked the night before so we got there around 2pm. We took the boat out that afternoon and drove the boat around. It was very nice and relaxing. Then Dad said he had to go to Lake Valley to help shoot off fireworks. So, around dusk we took Dad back to the dock, then, all of a sudden, Mom said she was going to go too. That's when I began to get a little suspicious, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. So we took the boat (just Aaron and I) back out to see the fireworks out by Lake Valley. It was beautiful! There were fireworks around, 360 degrees. Also, there were boats all around with their lights on. Truly magical! Aaron had put on a CD of all our favorite red dirt songs and we were snuggling in front of the boat under beach towels. Then as the fireworks were coming to an end, Aaron got up and went and changed the CD to "Constantly" by Ragweed then he skipped the CD over to our song "A Matter of Time" by Randy Rogers. Then Aaron started fumbling with something. The next thing I knew Aaron was down on one knee and he had out the ring and handed me a teddy bear dressed in a tux. He then asked, "Will you marry me?" and then told me to squeeze the paw on the bear, it said "So, will you?" I started bawling and laid my head on his shoulder for a moment. Then I rose my head up and said, "Yes!" Aaron put the ring on my shaking left hand. Then he brought me to the back of the boat by the ice box and ski holder in the bottom of the boat. Mom had hidden a bunch of things there earlier that day. There was a purple lilac tablecloth, Marco Negri wine, wine glasses, Triscuits, port wine cheese, and a wedding planner from Julie and Brad and a brown bag with "Bride" and cards from everyone in our families.
That day was so wonderful! I can not imagine a more perfect moment. It involved our family and so many special things that we enjoy together (music, the lake, etc.). He sure got me! I still can't believe how I completely lost all composure. This is when all the wedding plans began and I will be forever grateful for my wedding planner books from Amanda and the Bates'. Thank you, you have no idea how much they've helped!!! Love you all! Until later.


The Beginning

Hello everyone! I hope this project goes as well as I intend. We shall see. I figure since I am about to marry a self-proclaimed "geek" that I should try to come up with a fun and technological way to keep record of this exciting time in our lives. So first things first. You all know we met at Ernie Bigg's Piano Bar with the infamous "Support Group Meeting" line. (If you don't know it, ask me later...it works like a charm!) Anywho, many of you may not know some other more weird details of our beginnings. Like the fact that we also met Tech 9 (a famous rapper) the night we met as well. Or that we ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse (Yes, I did leave some butter for Aaron that night...haha...just in case you were wondering Julie) on our first date along with talking at Jordan Valley Park for hours, and then ended the night watching "Walk the Line." Also, that the first time we told each other we were in love was when we were in the mountains of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Or that Aaron won me over 100% when I got to go home with him to P. Creek and when I woke up the next morning in his parents' living room that I felt like this could have been my home just as easily. Ok, enough of the mushy stuff. Sorry! I'll try to throw some of those random details in as I go along, but I won't bore you with them now. Basically, I just want to use this blog as an opportunity to let everyone take a peek into our lives and the insanities of it. I'll go back a little bit to catch everyone up, but I plan on posting regularly to update on wedding planning, house buying, pet adopting, and whatever else God throws our way. This is our new therapy. Mostly mine, but I will try to get Aaron to write on here as much as I can to get both views. Rest assured, they will be different. We may be the two most stubborn beings on the planet. Ha! Ha! Yet, somehow it works out wonderfully. I truly hope you all enjoy and are as excited about the future as we are! Love you all!!!
